Diverge Part I

Diverge Intro

Diverge Intro

Diverge is a game about choices.  Once you’ve made a choice, you can’t go back on it.  What’s done is done, you must continue down the path you’ve chosen.  The game as I currently have planned has at least 100 screens and 20-30 endings.  (As of this writing I have 14 screens and 1 ending complete).

Lighting your way in a dark cave.

Lighting your way in a dark cave.

The game is meant to be played partly like a point and click adventure.  But unlike other point and click adventures, there is not one story to be told.  No matter what items you pick up or what path you take, you will reach an ending.  All endings will have their own unique art and story.  You can even get through the story by choosing to pick up no items along your way at all.  Just let the game take you where it wants, and you’ll find yourself at an end.



Sana is the main character of the game, but not much is known about her at this time.  She appeared in the world and is hoping that she can find her way back home.  (Note: the portrait is not actually used or is planned to be used in game, it was created just for fun).  She has always been a bit of a slacker, and finding herself in a world she has never seen is not quite to her taste.  But when it comes to surviving or starving, even she can’t help but pick herself up off the ground and move on.

In an autumn forest...

In an autumn forest…

Progress on the game is currently on a slight hiatus due to Game Maker wiping all of the room data.  At the moment I am experimenting with other engines to see if there is something I can use that would be better (Unity is, of course, looking ideal right now with its new 2D plugins).  If I can get Game Maker to not ruin all of my work, I would prefer to get back to that as a significant amount of the work is already completed there.  Wait for future updates!

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