
Books for awesome people.

Books for awesome people.

BookQuest is my first attempt at making a game with the demo version I had of RPG Maker VX Ace.  I stated at the beginning that it wasn’t likely I’d finish the game as this was just a test. (Plus, who really wants to release a full game to the masses starring ones self?)

I spent three weeks doing nothing but creating this short demo.  Despite its small size, it is quite packed with content.  It includes several alternate costumes for myself with various abilities and a secret cat mode (though I suppose it isn’t so secret now).

Alternate costume for straight up adventuring.

Alternate costume for straight up adventuring.

The idea of the game was that I would travel around town fighting various bad books people would read.  To do so I would have to read them, which would slow destroy my sanity.

Artwork was entirely created by myself, with the music found on various free sites (my later games contain music created by me, which isn’t nearly so pleasant to listen to, but I am proud of myself for trying).

This is really what my house looks like.

This is really what my house looks like.


Windows .exe

Sadly, Windows only.  RTP not required as any necessary files are packed in.

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